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Purina Pro Plan Savor Adult Shredded Blend Weight Management Formula Dry Dog Food

Purina Pro Plan

Keep your dog's health and happiness in mind at mealtime with Purina Pro Plan SAVOR Shredded Blend Weight Management Formula adult dry dog food. This high-quality diet dog food with real chicken as the first ingredient helps deliver the outstanding nutrition he needs and the savory flavor he loves, while the combination of hard kibble and tender shredded pieces provides an enticing texture. With 25% less fat than our SAVOR Shredded Blend Chicken & Rice formula for adult dogs, this super-premium dry dog food gives your dog a meal you can feel good about serving. The natural prebiotic fiber, sourced from wheat bran, works to maintain beneficial bacteria in your dog's intestinal tract, and guaranteed live probiotics help support his digestive health. With 100% complete and balanced nutrition and high-quality ingredients in every serving, this Purina Pro Plan SAVOR weight control dog food recipe gives your adult dog a mouthwatering meal while supporting his overall health and wellness.

Serve your dog Purina Pro Plan SAVOR Shredded Blend Weight Management Formula adult dry dog food. The dual-textured formula, with real chicken as the #1 ingredient, features hard kibble and tender shreds to provide a unique contrast, the scrumptious taste he loves, and the nutrition he needs. Guaranteed live probiotics help support his digestive health. Vitamin A and linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, promote healthy skin and keep your dog's coat shiny. The high level of protein in this Purina healthy weight dog food helps to protect muscle mass during weight loss so that you can enjoy playtime together every day, and the optimal protein-to-fat ratio promotes an ideal body condition for your energetic dog. Get his tail wagging with this tempting adult dry dog food made with high-quality ingredients, and show him that his love for delicious goodness is as important to you as it is to him. We know you care about where your dog's meals are made, which is why we manufacture our SAVOR dog food recipes in our Purina-owned U.S. Facilities. Pro Plan is backed by the work of more than 400 Purina scientists to deliver the taste dogs love, along with the 100% complete and balanced nutrition you want in an adult dog food. Pro Plan is the first dry dog food brand to use and be founded on the concept of using real meat as the #1 ingredient, which gives both you and your dog something to get excited about at meal time. Feed Purina Pro Plan SAVOR Shredded Blend Weight Management Formula adult dry dog food to your dog for every meal, or make a gradual shift to our other exciting Pro Plan formulas to meet his unique nutritional needs. Our SPORT formulas promote his strength and endurance, and BRIGHT MIND helps to support his cognitive health. For specific needs, look to our FOCUS formulas. No matter which dry food formula you choose, you can feed your dog with confidence knowing that each recipe is backed by nutrition created to help your dog be his best self.


Chicken, rice flour, whole grain corn, corn germ meal, poultry by-product meal (source of glucosamine), soybean meal, wheat flour, whole grain wheat, corn gluten meal, beef tallow naturally preserved with mixed-tocopherols, natural liver flavor, glycerin, fish meal (source of glucosamine), wheat bran, salt, calcium carbonate, mono and dicalcium phosphate, potassium chloride, MINERALS [zinc proteinate, manganese proteinate, ferrous sulfate, copper proteinate, calcium iodate, sodium selenite], VITAMINS [Vitamin E supplement, niacin (Vitamin B-3), Vitamin A supplement, calcium pantothenate (Vitamin B-5), thiamine mononitrate (Vitamin B-1), Vitamin B-12 supplement, riboflavin supplement (Vitamin B-2), pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B-6), folic acid (Vitamin B-9), Vitamin D-3 supplement, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (Vitamin K), biotin (Vitamin B-7)], choline chloride, L-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate (Vitamin C), dried Bacillus coagulans fermentation product, garlic oil.

Guaranteed Analysis

Nutrient Guaranteed Units
Crude Protein 25.0% min
Crude Fat 8.0% min
Crude Fat 12.0% max
Crude Fiber 5.5% max
Moisture 12.0% max
Linoleic Acid 1.3% min
Calcium 0.9% min
Phosphorus 0.7% min
Selenium 0.3 mg/kg min
Vitamin A 15,000 IU/kg min
Vitamin E 460 IU/kg min
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 70 mg/kg min
Glucosamine 400 ppm min

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