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Healthy Grains Healthy Weight Recipe


Merrick Healthy Grains Healthy Weight Recipe Dry Dog Food provides balanced nutrition with real whole foods sourced from local farmers we know and trust. This recipe is specially balanced with 50% protein + healthy fat ingredients so dogs get optimal protein and fiber without the extra calories or fat.

    • Real deboned chicken is always the first ingredient. This high quality protein helps build and maintain healthy muscle tissue.
    • Powerful levels of Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids for healthy skin and coat, and leading levels of glucosamine and chondroitin to support healthy hips and joints.
    • Pea free, lentil free and potato free, plus all of our Healthy Grains dry dog food recipes are supplemented with Taurine to ensure a balanced diet.
    • Features a unique blend of ancient grains, like quinoa, brown rice and oatmeal, to support optimal digestion while being free from corn and soy.
  • All Merrick recipes are crafted in our Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the USA, in facilities that uphold strict FDA guidelines.

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