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Backcountry - Raw Infused - Large Breed Recipe


Backcountry Raw Infused Large Breed Recipe caters to the nutritional needs and appetites of large breed dogs, featuring large-sized kibble to match their bigger bite size. This natural, grain free formula provides your dog with the nutritional benefits of a raw diet they would have discovered in the wild in a safe and convenient recipe that's easy to serve.

    • Real deboned chicken is always the first ingredient. This high quality protein helps build and maintain healthy muscle tissue and energy levels.
    • Freeze-dried raw pieces are mixed into the kibble in a pure state to provide nutritional benefits that are easily digestible and taste great. The raw inclusion goes through rigorous testing and a proven process called High-Pressure Processing (HPP) to ensure food safety.
    • All Merrick Backcountry recipes are rich in Omega fatty acids for healthy skin and coat, and contain leading levels of glucosamine and chondroitin for healthy hips and joints.
  • All Merrick recipes are crafted in our Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the USA, in facilities that uphold strict FDA guidelines.

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